Digital era addiction, AI and memes meet Adorno, Deleuze, Fisher, Roderick, Sontag, the Beatles and Metallica in Watson’s characteristic cornucopian dive into the ills of 21st century living and dying.
On the author:
'… if Srnicek is the best Marxist thinker of the data economy, Watson is—dare I say it?—the best Marxist thinker of the culture of data.’ -- Conrad Hamilton
'Intellectuals in the vein of Zizek and Watson have taken it upon themselves to litter their writings with accessible and informative pop culture analysis, bringing dense topics to life in a way Adorno et al themselves struggled with.' -- Matt McManus
Digital era addiction, AI and memes meet Adorno, Deleuze, Fisher, Roderick, Sontag, the Beatles and Metallica in Watson’s characteristic cornucopian dive into the ills of 21st century living and dying.
On the author:
'… if Srnicek is the best Marxist thinker of the data economy, Watson is—dare I say it?—the best Marxist thinker of the culture of data.’ -- Conrad Hamilton
'Intellectuals in the vein of Zizek and Watson have taken it upon themselves to litter their writings with accessible and informative pop culture analysis, bringing dense topics to life in a way Adorno et al themselves struggled with.' -- Matt McManus