Revol Press is a new author-run and oriented publisher dedicated to putting out solid left wing theory. 

Our goal is to revive countercultural dreaming alongside incisive materialism, emphasizing quality over ‘edgy’ content and hot takes, putting out considered yet incisive reflections in a timely manner. We aim to support established writers and discover new talent, prioritizing fair royalties, ongoing dialogue, and an emphasis on quality essays and books that promote formal and theoretical innovation.

Our writers are part of a collective effort in publishing, taking a percentage of profits from all other books we produce and sell, as well as from their own.

Revol is here to reassert the creative opposition of the author, as a community. Where once you paid lip service to the revolution and were considered credible, now you can build something revolutionary without compromise.

Our first run of books will include works by Tony Chamas (aka 1Dime), Bram E. Gieben, Adam Turl, Dan Melo, C. Derick Varn, Mike Watson

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Website Illustrations: Rena Rädle & Vladan Jeremić

Book Design and Illustration: Valtteri Harakka