Revol Press: Collective Publishing

Revol Press is committed to helping writers achieve their aims and results from years of dialogue between its founders on the best writing and publishing practices for 21st Century theorists of the left.

As writers we have always been committed to sincere and incisive critique, out of a necessity born from the our personal experiences and their intersection with society. Compromise for the sake of garnering attention or sales is not an option. Similarly, pandering to the needs of the algorithm is not an effective means of theoretical critique.

Revol Press aims to strike a balance between publicity for the sake of promoting an author's interests and maintaining integrity. Similarly we pledge to treat each book as an individual creative work worthy of respect, entering into dialogue with the writer accordingly.

Finally, Revol Press has been conceived as a collective act with a group of Readers who will be each invited to submit a book over time, alongside outside submissions that we feel we can effectively bring into reality. In line with this collective spirit, we do not only offer fair royalties, but also give each author a percentage of profit from every other book we publish.